How to Play a Trivia Game with Your Team

With a multiplayer plan on Quizbreaker, you'll be able to invite and challenge other people to a trivia game. Here's how you can do that.

Step 1. Click on the "Trivia Games" tab on your dashboard.

Step 2. Choose an existing trivia in your dashboard or create a new custom trivia game.

  • Choose your game mode. You can play "Free for All," where players get scored individually. Alternatively, we also have "Team vs Team."

Step 3. Get people to join the game.

There are three ways to invite people to join:

  • Via Pin
  • Via QR Code

Below are how to get people to join via those three ways step-by-step.

1. Via Pin: Get the 6-character pin provided to the left of your QR code. Instruct your participants to head over to and enter that pin.

2. Via QR Code: Share the QR code with your participants and have them scan it on their phone.

After your colleagues have asked to join through any of those three ways, they will land on this page. They can add their name and will be redirected to the room.

Step 4. Once everyone is in, start playing a multiplayer game together.

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